Alpaca & Muscovy

Monthly Archives: May 2017

Dinasours are not extinct at Kensmyth, Clay Meadow

We have had some very dark days at Kensmyth in the past week – a rare tragic accident happened and I am not ready to talk about it on here but to say I am having a tough time emotionally at the moment is an understatement… but life goes on for everybody and my troubles are little compared to those of the Manchester tragedy so I stamp on them and Count my Blessings as my Grandmother used to say.

Meantime – reasons to be cheerful – Dinasours are NOT extinct at Kensmyth…


Rambo – there is no other word for it Wensleydales are huge

Well having had sheep at Kensmyth for a year, it was time to take stock of the situation that they had been purchased to fulfill.  Namely to fertilise the grounds naturally for us and to keep the grass down.

They did a great job of that, I proved to myself that I can still lamb after 30 years since I last did it – in the depths of winter on my own and they grew amazingly in the process…

Silence of the lambs at Clay meadow

Well regular followers knew that inevitably the Wensleydale lambs would be sold and it was a stroke of bad luck that the week before collection, the little lamb had a bad ear – see previous blog.

she vastly improved during stringent thrice daily attention of draining the ear and antibiotics – advised and aided by our Vets – the George Farm Vets – and off she went recently with her brother and sisters to her new home when all was well and she was fit to travel.

We wish you all the best with your new flock of Wensleydales – you know who you are!

  from this….

to this….


flower power at Kensmyth, Clay Meadow

I am rubbish at gardening, have no time for it and always forget to water anything – my Mother when I was a child used to despair of me because she is a very keen gardener – so we have everything in Pots here and when they come out, they are simply stunning…

Kensmyth at Clay Meadow Remembers – Manchester Forever

What can I say about this – that others have not already said?

Rest in Peace to those who have died and our thoughts are with those who are injured.

Thank you to the Emergency Services and those giving time and support.

I can say that I have relatives in Manchester, friends in Manchester, nieces in Manchester, mine but for the Grace of God are alright but we pray for those families whose loved ones are hurt or who will never come home again.



La La Land at Kensmyth, Clay Meadow, Cirencester

what a beautiful today has been – especially after the heavy rains of Saturday – we were pretty busy on Saturday but more on that will be revealed at a later time.

no photo for this, something exciting is happening this week will make my followers of the past ten years say “oh yes, now I get it” but … you will have to wait.

so meantime, as the Alpaca bask in the sunshine where we hit a grand 23 degrees today…

we finally saw La La Land and The Beauty and The Beast

thoroughly recommend both!