Alpaca & Muscovy

Monthly Archives: August 2020

Weather changes at Kensmyth Alpaca Clay Meadow

sometimes in life with the weather we have been having, in fact the year we have been having, photographs can simply say it all..

if you did not work this one out – a freak hurricane wind storm in South Cerney that barely hit Cirencester and back to previous weather.

Plough the fields and scatter.. Kensmyth Alpacas Clay Meadow

The fruits of the fields are coming in so quickly that it is quite unbelievable. One does not normally pick sloes until after the first frost – so is this going to happen soon with temperatures forecast for nights as low as 2 degrees and we are still August?

meantime with 90 fruit trees on site, never mind the courgettes its plums, pears and apple picking time.. some of our apple trees are really struggling with the weight 


The day before the day.. she is gone

Hard to believe that with everything that has happened this year, looking back on last year, it is now a year since my Mother in law died. What on earth would she have thought of the goings on in 2020 I wonder?

A beautiful rose torn from us a little too soon but nevertheless had a good “innings” as she would have said. 

Happy Birthday at Kensmyth, Clay Meadow

who would have believed another 5 years have gone by since we brought our beautiful puppy home, following the sad loss of our Flat Coat Retriever to a nasal tumour? Well it has, hefty guarding 45kg but kind and gentle Curly Coated Retrievers – way to go but dont be fooled by the cute look here, they are serious livestock gun working guard dogs!

Dry Clay Ground at Kensmyth Alpaca, Clay Meadow

Well at the top of the hill we have fantastic grass and at the bottom of the hill likewise – but the band in the middle is dry and the Cria just love rolling and rolling in it but it makes our visitors smile.. so big and they come to call now!