2021 reflections on the year at Kensmyth Alpaca, Clay Meadow
We have worked hard this year, more than any other year due to the inclement weather and unprecedented times we have lived through. We have lost loved ones, as have many, my Father being one of them, my Mother falling not long after breaking a leg and requiring stitches in her hand
and one of my sons (and I) spent Christmas Eve in hospital.. but through it all we have worked hard, played hard, loved and learnt a lot about our lives, family and friends along with the livestock. We have had easy and difficult births with the livestock and firstborn colt to our maiden mare simply outstanding..
We have had snow, hail, rain, hurricanes and temperatures of 30 degrees and our Alpaca (and horses) have come through it all happy, healthily and successfully.
Our Alpaca Stud males have proven their genetics time and time again with super cria for us and 2021 was no exception..
not to forget mentioning the stunning reliable mums input too..
returning Clients and new Clients along with course attendees have had a lot of fun this year too
family have worked hard for a successful year
throughout despite numerous setbacks.. yet we can still marvel at the beauty around us
and count our blessings as we approach the New Year 2022.