
Alpaca & Muscovy

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Winter is coming – rubber mats and Field Shelters at Kensmyth Alpaca

2024 has been unreal in terms of rain. The alpaca with padded feet need respite on the dry but also for their fleece to not get soggy and remain soggy in wet misty weather. Field shelters keep the wet off their backs but their feet can get very sore indeed if not allowed to dry out – their pads should be relatively hard like those of a dog, not wet and soft like when you get out of a bath.. precautions are necessary this year more than ever.

A dry field shelter with rubber mats outside stops (hopefully) the mud collecting outside. Aim the mats outside.


Coloured Ryeland sheep ready for tupping at Kensmyth Alpaca

Well the flock of sheep are soon to leave to be tupped. The lambs too young as only born January 2024 but the Shearling Ewes must go to the tup (Ram) for next April 2025 birthing. They should produce singles hopefully albeit two are from sets of twins.. fingers crossed for next year.

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