
Alpaca & Muscovy

farmers crisis 2013 floods

well it looks like the situation is set to continue. poor folks really affected by floods rather than just wet ground. Few realise that this means that grass cannot be grazed for months. couch grass and buttercups just does not suffice!

lets get this sorted as best we can please!

blue sky Alpaca

wow – busy busy and blue sky gone again

with endless wet clay fields gloop gloop.

lots of visitors and well behaved cria, a tree down in the river and getting barns ready for shearing.

we recycle everything including the winter barn straw out to pony people who use deep litter – nothing wasted here.

non birthday cake Alpaca

well some of you will recall that we have “unbirthdays” here where we go backwards. we have revamped the blog so I have updated you all now too. Do take a look at the Alpaca Events page with Jackie Llewelyn Bowen in front of our product range!

Unfortunately I could not avoid this birthday but my Mum made a fantastic cake – wow Mum thanks!

with some of the Alpaca from the past six years of breeding and Muscovy and all edible!

Even the cria from 2014 could not wait to see how famous they were!!

Alpaca shearing weather

well shearing is ahead in May and we are hoping for decent weather.

In 2009 we had to go out and buy coats in a hurry as this is what happened then…


“4th to 10th: The unsettled theme continued, with low pressure dominant, bringing windy conditions and frequent outbreaks or longer spells of rain. A set of fronts progressed southwards during the night of the 4th, but southern England stayed largely dry and clear with –1.0 °C recorded at Benson (Oxfordshire). Outbreaks of rain continued on the 5th, with strong gusty south-westerly winds, although bright or sunny spells developed further south.”


yes – that did read -1 degrees on 4th May 2009 … here’s what we did!

off to the start!

lets hope for better weather in May this year.

visitors for young Alpaca

well it has been a little while since we blogged last… we have been very busy with exciting overseas and long distance visitors.

most of whom have fallen in love with the cria – the first to have been born last year.

How could you not fall in love on a sunny day with these beauties?


ADE in March for Alpaca

is it me or did it feel like November today?

Managed to finish all ADE jabs started over the week end.

I have a new system for my stud boys and can now do them by myself.

sounds simple but actually it is not that easy to hold a 14 stone Alpaca and inject it at the same time. Try it before you josh please!

it has drizzily rained all day but not that cold – the good news is that Spring is just around the corner, rather than November, when winter is!
