Alpaca & Muscovy

Bank Holiday Monday 31st August 2015 – more rain in the uk – watch out for Liver Fluke

you know the old cliché “rainy days and Mondays?” well the Carpenters had a point did they not! Today is Bank Holiday Monday and it is torrential rain. All our herd are in their shelters eating hay from well stocked racks with all cria groups tucked up in the barns. massive muck out ahead but with this sort of weather the younger cria are safer there to give them some respite from the torrents.

I feel so sorry for the Events that are on today, we have had to cancel one ourselves booked for today but managed to take four boys to Cirencester Rugby Club yesterday as promised… wet but nothing like today!

rugby club            august weather 12mm rain


I know we do not have anything like the rain experienced in the North but… we are in the South … watch out for Liver Fluke this year!