sold sold sold – Alpaca clothing is the best!!
We are soo busy with the first frost and getting all the work done, once more apologies for absence of blogs. I have a new washing machine, I need a new poover and its go go go whilst the weather is not too bad.
cria weighing and adult weighing took up most of this week end so we can keep a firm eye on weights over winter.
meantime, I promised some shots of the Kensmyth Events and clothes modelled and sold, sold sold!
scanning alpaca for 2015
well last week was manic and this week has started with a race for machines to be fixed or breaking down!
After Newbury we scanned then another event last week end.
meantime, I will catch up on blogs soon… here is a photo when I had assistance scanning on every count!
Now can I have a picture please?
alpaca need shade in hot temperatures – even Indian Summer
I have been trying to capture some of our alpaca in the “bus shelter” additions to the mobile field shelters we have in each field… it has taken a long time because they are so friendly, when I approach they get up!
Anyway, by taking it from the orchard I finally managed this sneaky shot. They do so love chewing the cud in the shade it provides!
Alpaca, although from hotter climes originally, still desperately need shade in hot temperatures, especially the black alpaca. Failure to provide adequate shade can cause Hyperthermia, especially in young cria who – when overheating dehydrate very quickly; often fatally.
Adequate shade is required at all times, not just summer as we used to know it but in this Indian Summer too!
Kensmyth Muscovy free range
Wow, September is almost gone. This week was manic following Newbury with two events on, scanning and an Event today at a Private School – more on that another day.
Meantime I have received a moan about the lack of Muscovy photos on the blog!
Here are some of the Muscovy enjoying the freedom of the grass in the orchard as usual but….
hidden out of sight on the above photo – is their trusty guardian Spirit!
Newbury Show 2014 exciting unique Kensmyth Stud new product launch
Well we have been busy here at Kensmyth in the dark and wee hours of the night busy creating our new unique product
– with hubby and son here to look after the Alpaca at home…
NEWBURY SHOW 2014 was the venue for the exciting product launch.
The product utilises the natural Alpaca Fleece and although easily copied, Kensmyth are the first Alpaca Stud to launch a complete kit like this using Natural Alpaca Fibre.
You can make “your own Alpaca picture” or your own Alpaca natural fleece necklace.
They flew off the stand!
We even had Help for Heroes visit the stand… not to mention LLama lovely Judge Vicky. Fantastic!
well we did say we had some exciting new products to launch and there is more and more to come!!
somethings going on around here…
Another blog without pictures, apologies but they will be worth waiting for.
our new product was launched today and met with great success I am happy to say.
very busy week end and week ahead with scanning – fingers crossed always but such a relief to be able to do it yourself on site.
pictures soon – promise!
meantime – can someone help the weathermen out? Apparently they all have access to the same satellite information.
just take a look at …
versus and see what you think!!
perhaps someone should tell them????
Carl Bard and September sunshine
Well where did that week go? We have been doing Alpaca husbandry, field topping, lambivac, chasing our tails and keeping on top of general maintenance and September is galloping by. We have so many events ahead and some exciting product launches too!
We have had some fantastic visitors and I have two offers on the one boy cria I do not want to sell – but he is something else and brave as a lion!
meantime I have been driving a loan car as mine is pretty sick… well she is 18 after all and done rather a lot of hard farm work. Here she is on the ramp having all the good bits done to go again for me!
and this week end brought thankfulness for foresight from Carl Bard – more next time on that…
and yes we have picked loads of blackberries this year too!
Alpaca cushion covers fly out of the door at first release!
well we have been really busy with visitors and selling Alpaca product since my last blog.
We released the cushion covers at an open day here and they literally flew out of the door bought in moments and one set for a special birthday!
See what you think and I shall be back soon with tales of my poorly Farm Car!
September scorcher
Well I don’t know about anyone else in the country but our little hill hit a whopping 27 degrees today.
Not bad for 9th September.
9th September?
Happy Birthday – you know who you are!
South Cerney Garden party September 6th 2014
Well time passes and folk think there is something wrong when one does not blog every day but when you work alone pretty much all of the time, it is not the first item on the list – sorry. I have a very long list and livestock always have first dibs! However, to catch up in reverse blogging since last time, no I did not go to the Alpaca Classic as we had been invited to attend the South Cerney Garden Party and what an event that was too. Thank you to Anne and David and all involved, I managed to catch up with most folk, we sold lots and loads of enquiries for Events and Alpaca Walking too. I even won some fab glasses and an hours Polo lesson in the Raffle – not sure when I will find time to take it up though…
The Alpaca stand looked great and the sun shone!
First of all the Alpaca products and folk visiting…
whizzy photos from Mitchell much better than my iphone…
and the products…
and don’t forget the Muscovy…
I hope the South Cerney Playgroup enjoy the books…
lovely display Mitch – so Arty!