East West Snow at Kensmyth Alpacas, Clay Meadow
Alpacas like snow generally, they are used to colder climates of course. However snow on the back and wet underfoot or being snowed out of a shelter or indeed snowed into one is not good news. Here at Kensmyth we have field shelters with entrances sensibly faced to avoid the majority of wind and rain through the year. However when we are hit by a Beast from the East however small, we take into consideration the Weather persons possible mistakes on snow volumes due!
The sun rises in the East and sets in the West.. this shelter faces East as all of ours do and even has doors but climate change odd weather can be extremely dangerous to old, young and pregnant Alpaca if caught unawares and literally left out in the cold and/or wet..
with no guarantees of how much snow is predicted onto already saturated ground, a “wet cold Alpaca sandwich” could be fatal. On this occasion, not too much snow fell but nevertheless all the Alpaca were barned just in case..
keep your Alpaca safe at all times in unpredictable weather and their feet dry!