Feeding is critical in winter months – checking bodyscores
Body scoring Alpaca is essential in winter months. Alpaca quickly lose weight and take a long time to recover.
All Alpaca are fed small rations twice a day off ground here at Kensmyth and we have a few that need to enrol in a Gym this month too!
isn’t it great when your Fleece Samples come back with really low micron and you know that your Alpaca are really fat so the real “score” is even lower!!
Micron count in Alpaca varies at the time of year, age and weight of the Alpaca. It is also affected from country to country by ground and heat conditions. For example Australian Alpaca in dry hot conditions ranging over plains will have a lower Micron count than New Zealand Alpaca in lusher less hot conditions… bring them to the UK and even more lush grass and you have different again!
there is no “one size fits all” in Alpaca fleece and keeping our Alpaca in good body condition is priority !